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How to get a LOR

July 02, 20233 min read

“A friend is a gift that you give to yourself.” - Robert Louis Stevenson

The Power of Building Positive Relationships with Your Colleagues: Unlocking Future Opportunities

Before you embark on a rant about your colleagues or dismiss the importance of forging friendly connections, take a moment to consider the long-term benefits. Being kind and befriending your coworkers not only cultivates a harmonious work environment, but it can also lay the foundation for invaluable support down the line. Why? Well, there may come a day when you'll rely on these very colleagues to write you a letter of recommendation – a powerful tool that can open doors to your future endeavors. In this article, we explore the significance of building positive relationships with your colleagues and how it can unlock a multitude of opportunities in your professional journey.

A friend is a gift that you give to yourself.

Getting letters of recommendation from your colleagues can greatly enhance your chances of landing your dream job. Here are some tips to help you secure strong and impactful letters of recommendation 👊

1. Choose the right colleagues:

Select colleagues who have worked closely with you and can speak to your skills, achievements, and character. Look for individuals who have witnessed your professional growth and can provide specific examples.

2. Build professional relationships

Cultivate positive relationships with your colleagues by demonstrating professionalism, collaboration, and respect. Be proactive in assisting them when needed, and offer support and guidance whenever possible. Building a rapport will make it easier to request a letter of recommendation later.

3. Determine the appropriate number of recommendations

Review the job application guidelines or requirements to understand how many letters of recommendation are expected. Typically, two or three well-crafted letters are sufficient. Avoid overwhelming the hiring manager with an excessive number of recommendations.

4. Timing is crucial

Approach your colleagues well in advance of your job application deadline, allowing them enough time to write the letters without feeling rushed. Respect their schedules and offer to provide any necessary information or documents to assist them in writing the recommendation.

5. Communicate your goals and achievements

Clearly articulate your career goals and explain why this particular job aligns with your aspirations. Share any notable achievements, projects, or contributions you have made that demonstrate your skills and qualifications for the desired position.

6. Provide necessary information

Make it easy for your colleagues to write compelling letters by supplying them with relevant information. Share your updated resume, a list of the skills and experiences you would like them to emphasize, and any specific points you would like them to cover.

7. Personalize the request

Approach each colleague individually and express why you value their professional opinion and believe they are the right person to write your recommendation. Highlight specific experiences or projects you have collaborated on to jog their memory and demonstrate your appreciation for their contribution.

8. Follow up and express gratitude

Once your colleagues have agreed to write the letters, send them a polite email thanking them for their support. Provide a gentle reminder a few weeks before the recommendation deadline. After receiving the letters, send another sincere thank-you note expressing your gratitude for their effort and the impact their recommendations may have on your career.

If you want to go the extra mile, (like our Avic Air interview prep candidates) send them a gift card to their favorite coffee shop for at least two cups of coffee.

Want to be prepared for your interview?

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