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The Power of Humor in Interviews: Making a Lasting Impression with a Smile

June 28, 20232 min read

“Leaders who use humor are 27% more persuasive.” - Naomi Bagdonas

8 Reasons

Job interviews can be nerve-wracking, but what if we told you that a little humor could give you an edge? Yes, you read it right! Incorporating humor strategically during an interview can make a bit of a difference in capturing attention, fostering positive emotions, facilitating effective communication, and even triggering hormone responses. In this article, we'll explore the fascinating ways humor can boost your persuasiveness and leave a lasting impression on interviewers.

  • Captivating attention: A sprinkle of humor can work wonders in grabbing and maintaining an interviewer's attention. Just like humorous advertisements that are more memorable, humorous interview moments can make you stand out from the crowd. Moreover, laughter, the natural companion of humor, stimulates the release of endorphins—the "feel-good" hormones. So, not only will your humor make the interview more enjoyable, but it'll also create a positive vibe that lingers in the room.

  • Establishing rapport: Building a connection with your interviewer is vital, and humor can be your secret weapon. Studies have shown that humor leads to improved emotional responses, likability, and positive attitudes toward the source of the humor. And guess what? Laughter triggers the release of oxytocin, known as the "bonding hormone." So, when you share a good laugh, you're not only making them smile but also fostering a sense of trust and camaraderie.

  • Effective communication: Communication is key during an interview, and humor can be your communication superpower. It enhances cognitive processing and message comprehension, helping interviewers remember your key points. Furthermore, laughter stimulates the release of dopamine, the motivation and reward hormone. With a dose of humor, you'll keep your interviewer engaged, while dopamine fuels their cognitive abilities and boosts their memory. It's a win-win situation!

As you prepare for your next interview, don't forget to pack a sense of humor in your arsenal. By incorporating humor, you'll captivate attention, establish rapport, and communicate effectively while triggering the release of endorphins, oxytocin, and dopamine—hormones that contribute to positive emotions and increased trust. Humor can set you apart from the competition, make the interview experience enjoyable, and leave a lasting impression on your interviewer. So, go ahead, bring a smile, and conquer that interview with a touch of laughter, but use humor wisely! 

Check out this video

It's important to gauge the interviewer's response and adapt accordingly. Your humor should always be appropriate, relevant, and respectful. Inappropriate or offensive jokes can have the opposite effect and harm your chances. 

We look forward to hearing your interview stories during the course and, even more, what type of humor you plan to bring! We will also give you some highly engaging ideas that fit your unique situation

Aviation Interview Pro Course

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