interview prep coaching


Learn how to market and present your technical and soft skills in order to secure an interview and obtain a CJO in 90 DAYS

One-on-One Coaching and Q&A Calls


Hundreds of Career Placements

Airlines, corporate, EMS, utility, tours, flight instructors

Succesful Careers at

Phase III

Learn How to Get Selected.

Go beyond presenting your technical knowledge.

  • Conference crushing strategies to get your application pulled for the interview.

  • Learn how to adapt and influence the go/no-go decisions of your recruiter.

  • Tools to promote the perception of preparedness to increase your chances of getting the offer.

  • Framework and one-on-one critique for next level interview stories.

Over 100 training MODULES

Learn the Essentials.

File Tracking and Task Lists

With dozens of tasks to accomplish, letters of recommendation, background records, resumes, cover letters, portfolio showcase documents, applications, certificates, transcripts, personal documents and dozens of your personal detailed interview stories, we provide a "second brain" for you to house all of your data. Destress and get some proper rest knowing that you haven't missed a step.

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Background Audit

You'd be surprised how many candidates discover unknown traffic violations or mismanaged training records. Follow our walkthrough guide to obtain your background records for ultimate peace of mind. This section will conclude with a one-on-one background review from our HR team as if it were game day on the interview.

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Personal Brand and Marketing Materials

Who are you? That is what the airline wants to know and we have an entire process to help you craft a custom personal brand and materials to draw attraction to your application in order to showcase your competitive advantage in the proper light. Complete with assessments, overhauled resume, social media audit, and the opportunity to create industry changing articles to present during the interview.

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Application Review

Many candidates fill out their application and hear crickets. We will conduct an application audit for every single application you submit - for the rest of your career.

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One of the best ways to get selected for an interview is to have a robust network. You will gain access to our private online community (independently hosted within your course) as well as receive training within this course to help you win over first impressions and create meaningful conversations with key players in your career at conferences. You will also receive personal coaching on how to obtain internal letters of recommendations from your target airlines.

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Soft Skills - What you are selling

Flight hours does not mean you deserve the job offer. Top tier organizations are mostly concerned with your ability to protect the bottom line and attract and retain customers both internally and externally. This category of lessons contain specific frameworks that you will need to highlight during the interview in order to sell your services for millions of dollars for years to come.

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A-V-I-C Storytelling Method

"Tell me a time..." questions are soliciting very specific elements within your experience. Get it wrong and you will be assured a "thanks but no thanks" letter. We have a story telling framework that will turn any story in to a Hollywood Blockbuster that not only hits all of the target topics, but also inadvertently prove that you are fun to be around for four+ days.

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Full Access to ALL Interview Questions

Lifetime access to the most up-to-date list of interview questions from all airlines. The best part is that they are filtered into just a few categories for you so you don't have to waste time coming up with thousands of stories. Just a few will answer all questions.

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Bias Mitigation

Learn how to eliminate assumptions about you that can negatively affect the outcome of your interview. There is always something that they are thinking whether you are aware of it or not. This is a self awareness category within the course to help you learn how to get out in front of potential negative opinions and transform them into a positive perception.

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Influence and Rapport

Just like in real relationships, there is a process to go from the initial introduction to deep connection. This module will outline the science behind human connection int he workplace so you can avoid being viewed as a "creeper" by trying to move too fast.

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Cues: Tells of Affirmation and Rejection

Reading your audience on the fly will help generate energy to reinforce the direction you are going with your story or deliver cues that you should divert to a different path. Becoming versed at reading verbal and nonverbal cues will change your physiological responses to nerve and intimidation - which will in turn deliver the perception of a confident PIC that they are seeking.

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Interview Day Plan of Action

The best way to calm nerves is to have a play-by-play understanding of what is going to happen. This course category of lessons covers the in-person panel interview, phone interview, video and audio screenings, and the virtual interviews.

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Follow Up Strategy

Do employers want you to follow up? In fact, it can demonstrate your continued interest in the position and your enthusiasm for the company. However, it is important to be tactful and respectful when following up. If you are following up via phone or email, you must consider timing as well as the type of communication you will use. The full strategy is included as well as email templates you can use as a starting point.

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Before vs After Coaching.

  • Applying, but no call backs.

  • Looking for work.

  • Receiving thanks but no thanks letters.

  • Loosing seniority.

  • Forced to relocate or commute to your second pick airline.

  • Deciding which CJO to accept.

  • Competitive and always selected.

  • Confident and poised.

  • Building seniority and job security.

  • Enjoying extra days off from living in-base at your first pick airline.

Member Benefits.

Increase Your Network

Join us at live events for networking opportunities to interact with industry gatekeepers.

Private Community

Your peers can help and everyone within the group is just as serious as you to succeed.

Marketing Materials

Learn how to get your application pulled for an interview with our highly rated resume template.

Build Interview Brand

Learn how to incorporate proven frameworks and models into your interview.

One-on-One Coaching

Get personalized coaching in to review and critique your interview stories.

Improved Hiring Odds

Identify measurable results that will increase your chances of landing the highest paid positions.

Learn from an Aviation interviewer

Your Career CFI.

We are with you all the way, for every interview until you stop calling us! Our team of instructors brings a wealth of knowledge, experience. Having navigated every corner of the aviation industry, from commercial airlines, corporate aviation, helicopter operations, and flight training, they bring diverse perspectives and insights that enrich this course.

Why Our Instructors Make the Difference

Understanding where you've come from, the hurdles you've faced, and the ambitions you hold for the future places our instructors in the perfect position to guide you. They're not just educators; they're mentors who have walked the path you're on and know how to navigate the complexities of a career in aviation. Their collective experience ensures you're not just prepared for the next step in your career but poised to excel when you reach the final interview at your final destination.


What others have to say.

"I loved the philosophy Ian puts into his lessons and 1 on 1’s with me. You’ll feel confident in your interview because you don’t have to worry about what to say verbatim or possibly forgetting something you’ve rehearsed a thousand times. When you understand the philosophy of the interview process, you’re able to navigate questions and scenarios with ease. That is what separates AVIC Air’s interview preparation course from the rest.."
(Read full review here)

- John Price

Air Force, Army, Envoy

"I had the absolute pleasure of working with Ian and his exceptional resume and interview prep company, and I cannot recommend his services highly enough. From the moment I reached out to him, it was clear that he was dedicated to going above and beyond to help me succeed. What truly set Ian apart was his relatability, as he is a helicopter pilot. This shared background created an instant connection and allowed him to truly understand my aspirations and unique challenges in the aviation industry."
(Read full review here)

- Michael Giordano

New Jersey State Police

"I have used different prep companies and to compare, Avic Air goes more in-depth. The other companies you get two zoom calls. This program has learning modules, videos, tips, reading materials to give you all the information and tools to be successful from applications to CJOs!!! ✈️"
(Read full review here)

- Kristen Guthery

Piedmont, Flight School Owner


5 star reviews

Phase III: Interview Presentation

Learn how to integrate your technical knowledge and soft skills to acquire the job offer.


Get everything you need to succeed.

  • Interview Prep Syllabus

  • Access to Private Community

  • Resume Template and Background Audit

  • Unlimited Application Reviews

  • Unlimited LIVE One-on-One coaching

Today Just

$1750 one time


"Don't wait!"

"Good preparation takes time. Plan on starting this process a few months ahead of your application!"

A Visionary in Aviation Leadership and Instruction

Meet Ian Robinson

Your head coach is an accomplished aviation professional with a diverse background spanning various sectors, including flight instruction and leadership development. With over 11,000 flight hours in helicopters and airplanes, Ian's expertise extends beyond piloting to nurturing the next generation of aviation leaders. His commitment to high-quality training and education is evident in his roles across emergency services, combat zone operations, factory training, and advanced aviation courses. Ian's holistic approach to teaching focuses on both technical skills and essential soft skills, aiming to prepare pilots for success in all aspects of their careers.

Committed to bridging the gap between flying skills and leadership acumen in aviation, Ian can relate to your experiences first-hand and has guided hundreds of pilots through their professional careers.

  • Aviation Management

  • Helicopter to Fixed Wing Training

  • International contracting, Part 91, 135, and 121 operations.

  • Corporate, charter, utility, firefighting, advanced training, EMS.

  • Tours, ENG (news), survey, aerial photography/videography.


Join the nationwide community.

Connect, Share, and Grow with Fellow Aviation Leaders.


Not Just for Airline Pilots

Airline Pilots

EMS Pilots

Corporate Pilots

Utility Pilots

Skydive Pilots

C-Level Executives

Safety Personnel


Middle Managers

Helicopter Pilots

Human Resources Personnel

Flight Crew


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Phase III: Leadership Essentials for Pilots?

Phase III is a comprehensive course designed to prepare pilots with the essential skills to feel confident and present themselves in the best possible light during an aviation interview.

Who should enroll in this course?

The course is ideal for aviation personnel who want to pass an interview at any level.

What will I learn in this course?

Participants will learn how to sell their technical knowledge and soft skills to the top tier aviation companies.

How long is the course?

Phase III is designed to be completed in a minimum of 90 days, offering a flexible schedule that accommodates the demanding lifestyles of aviation professionals.

Is the course offered online or in-person?

Phase III is primarily offered online through one-on-one coaching sessions and access to a private community for networking and support. This format allows for global participation and a flexible learning schedule.

What makes Phase III different from other aviation training programs?

Phase III is often called "interview prep." Most candidates wait until they get an interview date and then scramble to find the gouge only to receive a TBNT letter for using canned answers. This is not a diet pill, this is the entire shebang to ACTUALLY become the candidate they are seeking.

Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in Phase III?

While there are no strict prerequisites, the course is best suited for individuals who have attended Phase II for at least 6 months. In order to transform your experience into good stories, you first need to have good experience.

How do I enroll in Phase III?

The first step after enrollment is to schedule your screening call. You can click any of the "SCHEDULE CALL" buttons on this page to be re-directed to the calendar booking link.

What is the cost of the course, and are there any payment plans available?

The course fee is detailed on our enrollment page. We do not offer financing or payment plans at this time, but we do accept credit card payments so you can manage your own finances.

What is included in the course fee?

The fee includes full access to all course materials, unlimited one-on-one coaching, the private community forum. Upon completion, you will be ready for an interview at any aviation company!

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, we offer a money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied with the course, subject to our terms and conditions. To qualify, you must pass the guarantee phone screening, complete 100% of the course and receive instructor endorsement, and present at least three rejection letters.

Can I still work full-time while taking this course?

Absolutely. Phase III is designed for working professionals, with a flexible schedule and online format that allows you to balance your career with your studies. Consider this your "Career CFI." This course is formulated to guide you with on-the-job training.

How is student progress assessed in the course?

Progress is assessed through practical assignments, multiple choice quizzes, participation in discussions, and a complete personalized review of all of your interview stories.

Will I have direct access to the instructors?

Yes, students can interact with instructors during their live one-on-one coaching as well as within the community forums and direct messaging.

Upon completing Phase III, what kind of opportunities will open up for me?

Graduates of Phase III are well-poised to showcase their highly competitive personal brand in order to get selected and pass the interview of your choice.

If you have any further questions, email: [email protected] or contact us here.

Complete your strategy call now!

Schedule your call today!


Risk-Free Learning: Your Success Is Our Promise

"Unsure about your decision? Rest easy with our money-back guarantee, subject to our clear terms and conditions that will be outlined on your screening call."

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