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Interview Prep Podcast

Live Interview Prep

March 01, 20231 min read

This is a three part series with a regional airline pilot who is preparing for a major airline interview.

Avic Air does not divulge any trade secrets or confidential information from any particular organization; the theory and training content has been collected through personal experience and the consensus has been observed as best practices that can be applied to any career track.

Part One - Boost Your Application

  • When to Apply

  • Completeness and accuracy

  • Updating applications with new accomplishments

  • Continuity between background checks and application (use worksheet)

  • Letters of recommendation

  • Don't use your mom

  • Don't write your own

  • Address it to the company

Part Two - Mitigating Bias and First Impressions

  • Halo and Horn Effect (establishing rapport)

  • Being prepared is boldly observable

  • Personal appearance

    • Group/clique

  • Suit choice

    • What to do when you don't fit in

    • Color choices (company brand, patterns, textures, and color wheel)

  • Social Media

    • Demonstrates how you will interact and represent the company

    • If it doesn't pass the "value" filter, delete it.

  • Affinity/Similarity Bias

    • Geographic location (against modern HR practices, but there is a workaround)

Part Three - Storytelling Process for Interview Questions

  • Why interview questions?

  • 100's of interview questions vs. 11 categories

  • Why it feels like an interrogation

  • Live interview story critique

  • How to take them on a cinematic adventure and control the scene.

  • Elements of communication: 55% body language (paint), 38% tone (soundtrack), 7% words (script)

  • A-V-I-C storytelling method

  • Stories NOT to use

  • Good story example

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