Preparation is not only key, it is expected!

Thank you for your interest in our Career Pro-Standards Training! You are on your way to increasing your odds as much as possible to secure your future.

These are exciting times and there is much to do. Preparing for an interview is a massive undertaking. Miss the cross of one T or the dot of an "I" and you could be throwing away the opportunity of a lifetime! We are here to walk you - step-by-step - through the entire process.

The first step is to schedule a phone call with us. Find a time that works best for you and we will call you at that time on the dot.

The call is FREE. Should you decide to sign up, the entire course will cost you only what you will earn in one day in your future dream job.

Book Your Free Phone Screening and Strategy Session


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A-V-I-C stands for Aviation Intelligence Community. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for aviators through shared experience. Be sure to join us on the social media sites @avicair, we love sharing ideas, experience, and intelligence to propel our industry forward.